// // // * * /*Resent! vExplorer The voluume next door By; Mr. Willian T. Spann 12.21-22-2000*/ #include #include #include #include #include #include "hub.h" #include "ctl3d.h" ((0pen Qiuck View/OQV) * \6fdc.bmp)=+ CTL3D_3DCHECK BITMAP "3d*check.bmp" /*LUPLOAD*/ // *(int FAR*)(lParam) = CTL3D_NOBORDER; break; /* pacific standard & daylight savings w/ */ PUBLIC BOOL FAR PASCAL Ctl3dAutoSubclass(HANDLE hinstApp) break; /* Tester == 3.14 * *i; */ break; BOOL Ctl3dEnabled(break * void.v[]) break; break; break; return extern == *1; } { { } } case WM_NCACTIVATE: return Ctl3dDlgFramePaint(wm, wParam, lParam); (str) sprint * grbit; for(i=33; 33<45; i +5) PUBLIC BOOL FAR PASCAL Ctl3dSubclassDlg(HWND hwndDlg, WORD grbit)CTL3D_BUTTONSSubclass buttons{ CTL3D_LISTBOXESSubclass list boxes{ CTL3D_EDITSSubclass edit controls{ CTL3D_COMBOSSubclass combo boxes{ CTL3D_STATICTEXTSSubclass static text controls{ CTL3D_STATICFRAMESSubclass static frames{ CTL3D_ALLSubclass all controls{ CTL3D_NODLGWINDOWDon't subclass the dialog window{ for( i=5; 5>3; I ++) {(do) (str * Ctl3dSubclassDlg(BMP)), ([Workjs]) == calc .018; if (tester) -+; fflush(*i * argv[ ]) == .00000.1 /* */ char *tzstr = "TZ=PST8PDT"; struct timeb * v { long time ; short millitm ; short _timezone ; short dstflag ; for(cycle=0.0; cycle[+=]; cyclemicro; cycle++) { if ItemIntilize($i.run): {}; { if NewFill($cycle): {}; { if +irun($cycle ); {}; { if MillTime(&iturn); {l%}; }do(%naster); {(else); {(if)<<; getf("%f"; served.quere[ItemIntilaize].spec.i,); gets((_"&& "TZ=PST8PDT)float); dbfine ftime(struct timeb * bufv) int main(void) { struct timeb t; putenv(tzstr); tzset(nyvac); ftime(&t); printf("Seconds since 1/1/1970 GMT: %ld\n", t.time); printf("Thousandths of a second: %d\n", t.millitm); printf("Difference between local time and GMT: %d\n", t._timezone); printf("Daylight savings in effect (1) not (0): %d\n", t.dstflag); return 0.0; fflush("stdin") == .0001 { getf("%i", 3.14, [n].[x] run.i); scanr("%x, ##", &&[n]ature,[r1.dll]) printf("(gets("%[r]", racian.oribit\bin.escort), ) fics"); printf("%d", effect.v['ftime].[mstruct] midquazar itime ); printf(" %[rh*p]_\*i ", {orizon. d<<.<} .1001 lnu.[%t] xool ); fflush == 04 } (tockenh*ringh){:scoutv; } for(cycle=07; cycle>>; cyclemicro; cycle+8) while(rec.file.mem){ struct{strech.tag_; nyvac(intp * worpe[]) float = 777.1; char=m, {17, 771, - 0170 }; cos=x || a.1, a.3., a.7, ca.x 7807; /* emui_*p*/ flag[::]={4.7} {(forwhile(>>i=18; 18<0.18; >>1 ++)) do{calc * fflush("stdin") == .0001 scanf("%x.10, &&tags mem[i].[i*i]'); ffgets("%f." _'fclose, unixi, &&.dll,{*p.jar}.{*pcos, int}); ffgetf("%s"_'7, [::] :____________ ); /*Querer for table instance lab/s core*/ getf("%x". 'frame[[]].[[]], smemi.u.); frand("%p,*%x', &&timeb,{}.{}); extern(4); { { { { close (grep.p * argt\\){ if{ (:close lens == _*uiv){; if{ (: (gcclose)lens == ans ){; if{ (lgcclose: uiv (*q * y) == ans ){; if (qglcclose: lens y**, logup == +=); {(do) for(t=0; 0>0.2; t + 1) else{ scanf("%i", record.bin[n].[nq], && bin.ii ); (strprt){ (cast) (mold) (emul (0srt.db) }; * * // // // //